Beyond Risk : Game of risk anyone?
Beyond Risk is a series of posts that will look at emerging and future trends in the areas of governance, risk and compliance (GRC) and integrated management systems.
Just like our clients, we have to constantly scan the horizon for new directions in software and the adoption of technology - and it's not easy! The pace of change is hard to comprehend - how must it feel being a senior executive at Nokia or Blackberry these days?
One challenge that never goes away is how to achieve maximum engagement in the workplace. Any organization succeeds through its ability to learn and transmit new ideas and behaviours across its workforce. This transmission cannot happen effectively without the engagement of all parties from Board to middle management to frontline.
It's a challenge that's particularly relevant to professionals working across governance, risk and compliance processes. Such processes are not always known for their excitement and thrills...! This can present a high psychological barrier to entry when trying to engage the wider workforce of an organization.
As a software development company, High Profile Solutions has been fascinated to watch the data, logic and presentation architecture layers being joined by the social and now game layers. Layers? games? what's this got to do with boring old GRC? Engagement.
The arrival of Facebook and its social media cousins, like most market disruption was met with a healthy dose of cyncism from those who saw it as a passing fad. Those cynics have long since joined the Nokia and Blackberry executives in the transit lounge because what they failed to recognise was the power of user engagement.
Now, with Microsoft Yammer, Salesforce Chatter and a myriad of so called enterprise social tools - organizations are grappling with how to harness that power.
'Gamification' is the latest attempt to increase engagement by utilising incentive and reward mechanisms to motivate behvioural change. (It should be said that none of that is new! - but the way in which software is being used in new ways, in new parts of the organization, is. Read more here
Game of two halves
Most internet searches for 'risk' and 'social' will return a deluge of articles from wary risk professionals warning of the risks in allowing social media anywhere near the enterprise - it's what risk pundits do best! However, a rigid posture just gives you a sore back.
Elsewhere, the smartest companies are working hard to understand how this wave of social, blurry-lined, millenial-driven change can be used across all areas of organizational activity - even that associated with grc and integrated management systems.
Seeing beyond risks
At High Profile Solutions we don't like taking sides. Our software and consultancy advice can help those wary risk professionals track and monitor the risks they are so worried about. But on the other side, we are also committed to understanding what's coming next and making sure our software evolves to support it.
Talk to us
If you are interested in any of the issues discussed above and want to know more, come and talk to us.